Nicole R Betterson - District Directorate Chief - Logistics

Nichole R Betterson
District Directorate Chief - Logistics

In the military, Logistics was defined as “The discipline of planning and carrying out the movement, supply, and maintenance of military forces”, which was crucial during World War II. The word was added to the commercial world due to its importance from a point of production to the consumer.

The consumer are all 4000+ members of District 7 (D7). In the commercial world, Logistics has been given many definitions. Yet the bottom line is to improve the efficiency of our services and resources. This Directorate’s Logistics plays a crucial role in keeping the D7 world running. Most of the time, our role is doing the work by remaining backstage. Our goal is to support the continuous delivery of products or services that should reach all members who require the resources that this Directorate offers.

I am proud to and humbled to be a part of this Logistics Team DSO Staff listed below

Karen Miller is our editor for the Logistics Directorate and manages D7 publications including the “Breeze”, our District 7 publication and "The D7 Connection”, our Human Resources publication.

Always at your service,

District Directorate Chief - Logistics