Aids Verifier - Performance Quality Standard Workshop

Saturday February 3, 2018

Flotilla 54 Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park, Boyntan Beach, FL

This workshop is for Divisions 3, 5, & 6

Bring you Lunch - Casual Clothes

This is a 6 hour mandatory workshop that meets one segment of the requirements to become a qualified Aid Verifier in District 7. The training includes the following topics:

Auxiliary members interested in qualifying must have or is in the process of completing pre-requisites the include: AP or BQ pending, with completion of an ABS or BS&S Boating Course on record; TCT every 5 years; and the one hour refresher yearly; ICS 100 & 700 and Mandate3d Training

Interest Auxiliarists should sent their names to their ADSO-NS-E Mark Chiappone at or DSO-NS Agnes Mical at